Please deposit $500 to reserve your room before December 11th, 2024 by calling customer service at +1 800-963-0311. Group ID #: 3222436 "WILLIAMS WEDDING GROUP"
Jerame & Aleysha
April 20, 2025 • Key West, FL
37 Days To Go!
Please deposit $500 to reserve your room before December 11th, 2024 by calling customer service at +1 800-963-0311. Group ID #: 3222436 "WILLIAMS WEDDING GROUP"
Jerame & Aleysha
April 20, 2025 • Key West, FL
37 Days To Go!
Our Story
December 30, 2022
First Christmas together, he wrote me a 3 sentence-love poem & I gifted him a tea set. We have yet to put any tea in the tea set.
January 01, 2023
Our first New Years together, he thought Aleysha's friends were weird and they all thought his sister and brother were weird.
April 30, 2023
We love to travel. After our successful wedding, we hope to travel more. This time in New Orleans deserves a part 2.
May 27, 2023
Our first month living together. Jerame has always been a little jealous of my ability to find the perfect soft girl jobs. Then again I can't imagine his tall self sitting at a desk all day.
June 08, 2023
Photographers love taking pictures of us. We can't blame them. We are a good looking couple.
June 24, 2023
We visited our friends and family on this long trip from GA to OH to WV to NC and back to GA. This photo is us on the top of WV mountains.
August 23, 2023
We spent his birthday week at botanical gardens. We were stuck in the parking lot. They only take cash for parking, million dollar park with no tap to pay. Lesson learned.
September 16, 2023
Around this time, Blu had entered our lives. After a lot of convincing, Jerame agreed to add her to our family. Now, you couldn't separate him from his fur baby.
September 29, 2023
We put blood, sweat, and tears into Activate. Nothing bring you closer together than physically challenging games. We may need to start this again so I can fit in my wedding dress.
October 19, 2023
Double date with my parents. Mom hated it. The restaurant, not Jerame.
October 31, 2023
October was all about family. This was our first time hanging out with Jerame's family as a couple. He out did it with the Dave Chapelle live performance and halloween costumes.
November 23, 2023
Jerame traveled nearly 24 hours to Ohio to propose, and along the way, he unexpectedly ran into his sister, Shanteria, at the airport. They both shared a drink for some liquid courage before he boarded his flight.
November 25, 2023
From the moment we met, Jerame has always cherished me as his wife. When he knelt down with a ring, I couldn't believe he was truly proposing. But once it sank in, saying yes was the easiest decision of my life.
February 04, 2024
The first time our family spent the day together, I knew I was blessed. Lauren is the perfect daughter any mom could ever ask for.